Main properties
Find all the virtues and uses of essential oils in our tips section.
Place 2 drops of essential oil of cistus on a cotton tip and apply in the nostril to stop the bleeding. You may also soak a cotton wick and leave it in the nostril.
Swallow 1 drop of essential oil of cistus placed on a neutral tablet or in a teaspoon of olive oil or honey, or on a small sugar lump and allow to melt in the mouth three to four times daily.
Apply 2 drops of essential oil of cistus on a wound to stop the bleeding. In case of haemorrhage, place 2 drops on a clean cloth and apply to the skin.
Precautions for use
Do not use in: pregnant or breast-feeding women, children under the age of three years and under the age of seven years for internal administration (ketones), persons with epilepsy in a prolonged fashion (ketones) persons allergic to one of its components, persons with asthma without the advice of an allergologist before the first use.
Cistus has managed to surprise two great men: the father of history and the father of botany. Herodotus said "It has a very pleasant perfume even though it comes from a obtained from a foul smelling place, as it is gathered from the beard of bucks. When the animals come out from the scrub, it sticks to them like glue." Cistus secretes a gum, labdanum, term derived from the syrophoenician ladan, "glue herb". The Greeks preferred using leather strip whips for harvesting. Linnaeus was surprised by the exceptional number of species, there are more than three hundred! The ancients used cistus in fumigation and for its "astringent virtue" that stopped bleeding. They also liked its animal smell: Pliny wrote "Pure, cistus should have a wild scent and smell of the desert".
The properties, benefits and method of use are given for information; they cannot in any case constitute or replace medical information that only health professionals can provide. For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, please consult your GP or pharmacist.