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Essential oils, Respiratory & ENT infections

Winter ailments and essential oils: my natural recipes

Winter is coming and you feel tired? Discover the essential oils to prevent and fight winter ailments by boosting your immune system.
It’s already too late and you feel symptoms such as a stuffy nose, a sore throat or a cough? Don't worry, we reveal natural recipes to help you!

Does cold weather make you sick and can you get a cold from cold weather? GP, Dr Nisa Aslam

This is one of the most persistent myths about catching colds, but the answer is nuanced.

The only way you get a cold is when you come into contact with the cold virus. Exposure to cold weather does not make people more prone to getting colds.

Some research suggests that rhinoviruses – the viruses that most commonly cause the common cold – may replicate more efficiently at temperatures below 37 degrees centigrade (average body temperature).* The temperature inside the nasal cavity is 33 degrees centigrade may make it an ideal site for replication of rhinoviruses, but this research does not confirm that lower outside temperatures increase the risk of rhinovirus infection.

Other research has showed that decreases in temperature and humidity – albeit in sub-Artic temperatures of minus 9 degrees centigrade - increased risk of rhinovirus infection.** In this study, infections occurred more commonly at temperatures of zero degrees centigrade and below. So if you live in a very cold environment this research is of relevance to you.

To tackle winter respiratory infections I recommend Puressentiel’s respiratory and purifying ranges, because the essential oils found in these respiratory products are clinically backed to provide antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal activity – great news for busting winter health issues.*** In fact, the vaporised essential oils and phytochemicals including eucalyptol, limonene, and terpinene — which feature in Puressentiel’s respiratory and purifying ranges - significantly reduce levels of airborne coronavirus and other pathogens.****

Winter ailments

Respiratory illnesses caused by the cold are well known: runny nose, itchy throat, misty eyes, chills. Strengthening the immune system is the best way to protect the body from typical winter ailments. Tea tree, eucalyptus radiata, niaouli or ravintsara essential oils are extremely effective in boosting our immune systems.


Mix equal parts of thyme linalool essential oil and eucalyptus radiata essential oil. Diffuse for ten minutes twice a day. (Not suitable for children under the age of seven).

Immune defences

The immune system is involved in the defence of our organism in case of aggression, microbes, etc. Tea tree, eucalyptus radiata, niaouli or ravintsara essential oils are extremely effective in strengthening them.

Sensitivity to infections

Pour a few drops of ravintsara essential oil into the palm of your hand and rub it into the sole of each foot every morning for 1-2 weeks. For children aged 7 and over, not suitable for epileptics.

ENT infections

The respiratory system consists of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The upper respiratory tract includes the ENT tract (nose, throat, ears). The lower airways consist of the pharynx, trachea and bronchi and lungs. All these parts communicate with each other. This explains the speed with which an infection spreads. The symptoms of a viral infection are usually a blocked or runny nose, sore throat and cough. Because young children do not know how to blow their noses, it is common for the cold to congest the nose a lot, resulting in an ear infection.
Symptoms such as a stuffy nose or a sore throat can be linked to poor air humidification in your home.

Viral or bacterial

Mix 5 drops of eucalyptus radiata essential oil in 5 drops of sweet almond vegetable oil + 5 drops of black cumin vegetable oil, rub the upper back, chest and neck in the evening at bedtime. For children aged 12 and over only.

Blocked nose

Nasal congestion, commonly known as a "stuffy nose", is characterised by an obstruction of the nasal passages causing discomfort to breathe through the nose. It is one of the most constraining symptoms of cold.

Dry or wet inhalation

Dilute 2 drops of tea tree essential oil + 3 drops of eucalyptus radiata essential oil in 400 ml of simmering water. You can also apply them to a handkerchief and breathe deeply for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat these inhalations 3 times a day for 7 days. For children aged 7 and over.
From aged 15 and over, increase to 4 times a day, for 7 days.


5 drops of tea tree essential oil + 10 drops of eucalyptus radiata essential oil to be mixed in a diffuser. Diffuse 3 times a day for 7 days. Breathe deeply for 5 to 10 minutes. For children aged 7 and over.
From aged 15 and over, increase to 4 times a day, for 7 days.


Otitis is an infection and inflammation of the ear. Otitis can be acute, serious, external, and is one of the most painful ENT conditions. Much more common in children, it can also affect adults. Acute and serous otitis require a medical consultation.

Applied on skin

Apply 2 drops of eucalyptus radiata essential oil diluted in 3 drops of sweet almond vegetable oil to the earlobe and around the ear, 3 times a day, for 5 days. Never pour essential oil into the ear canal. For children aged 7 and over.


Bronchitis is characterised by an inflammation of the bronchial tubes due to infection, toxins or environmental factors. This inflammation makes it more difficult to breathe because the bronchial walls are swollen and produce a large amount of mucus. Bronchitis is accompanied by a deep cough.
For the vast majority of people, bronchitis lasts 2 to 3 weeks.
Aromatherapy has a particularly effective antiviral and antibacterial arsenal.


Mix 30 drops of black spruce essential oil with 10 ml of camelina vegetable oil.
Apply a dozen drops of the mixture by massaging the chest (back and chest).
Repeat 2 to 3 times a day, in 10-day periods. Repeat as needed. For adults only.

Acute bronchitis

Mix 2 drops of niaouli essential oil, 1 drop of ravintsara essential oil, 2 drops of sweet almond vegetable oil.
Massage the upper back, the sternum and the soles of the feet, 4 times a day for 6 days. For children aged 7 and over.

Catarrhal bronchitis

Mix 10 drops of dill essential oil, 20 drops of eucalyptus radiata essential oil, 10 ml of neutral vegetable oil or sweet almond vegetable oil.
Massage the back and chest with the mixture. Repeat 2 to 3 times a day for 4 to 5 days.

Sore throat

A sore throat is a common symptom of cold. It is most often due to a viral rather than a bacterial infection. It is manifested by tingling, aching or burning sensations, and is sometimes associated with difficulties to swallow or speak and other symptoms depending on the location and cause of the illness. It may be diffuse or located at three different levels: in the tonsils, pharynx or larynx.

Applied on skin

Mix 3 drops of tea tree essential oil, 2 drops of neutral vegetable oil (jojoba, sweet almond, macadamia).
Apply the mixture to the neck (lymph nodes), sternum or chest, three times a day until you get better. For children aged 7 years and over.



Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, causing a painful sore throat, fever and difficulty in swallowing saliva or any type of food. Viral tonsillitis, which is not serious, heals in a few days and does not require any particular treatment. On the other hand, bacterial tonsillitis requires antibiotics to avoid complications.
We recommend that you consult a health professional to determine the cause of your tonsillitis.

Relieving viral tonsillitis

Mix 2 drops of palmarosa essential oil + 2 drops of ravintsara essential oil + 10 drops of sweet almond vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to the neck (on both sides), 2 or 3 times a day, for 2 or 3 days. For children aged 7 years and over.


It’s this time of year: seasonal depression and respiratory illnesses. Bring along essential oils that have proven to be effective against these ailments.

  • Tea tree: very versatile antiseptic, anti-infectious, particularly effective against flu, bronchitis and otitis.
  • Asian rosewood: against ENT infections, heals damaged skin and helps to fight against winter depression.
  • Eucalyptus radiata: antiviral and antibacterial, clears the respiratory tract, calms a runny nose (its fluidifying effect will cause it to run, ultimately soothing the area), reduces fever and treats oily coughs.
  • Niaouli: antibacterial, antiviral, facilitates expectoration and treats coughs.
  • Petit grain bigarade: restores self-confidence and energy in case of seasonal depression.
  • Scots pine and noble laurel: antifungal, antibacterial.
  • Ravintsara: antiviral, reinforces immunity and prevents viral illnesses: colds, colds, flu.
  • Thyme linalool: anti-infectious, immune stimulant.

Explore our selection of essential oils 100% pure, natural, organic and certified EOBBD (Essential Oils Botanically and Biochemically Defined) for the everyday well-being.

Use plants and essential oils with care. Read the information and precautions carefully before use.
Source: Extracts from the books "Aromatherapia, tout sur les huiles essentielles" and "HUILES ESSENTIELLES, HUILES VÉGÉTALES & HYDROLATS : Mes indispensables", by Isabelle Pacchioni, published by Aroma Thera.

Discover our Cough and cold range, natural solutions to improve respiratory well-being and fight against seasonal sensitivities.

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