Main properties
Find all the virtues and uses of essential oils in our tips section.
Apply to the gums in a massage 1 drop of each of the following essential oils: clove, bay, niaouli, diluted in 2 drops of neutral carrier oil, three to four times daily for one week.
Mouth ulcer or dental abscess
Place directly on the mouth ulcer (or the tooth, in case of dental abscess) 1 drop of essential oil of clove using a cotton swab.
Mix 2 drops of essential oil of clove with honey. Sweeten your herbal tea with it.
Appetite suppressant
60 drops of essential oil of Ceylon cinnamon, 60 drops of essential oil of clove. Pour the mixture in a brown glass bottle. Remove top and breathe in five times to suppress the desire to eat. Do not diffuse pure, always combined with other essential oils.
cultivation and production
extraction and yield
chemical formula
Precautions for use
Do not use in: pregnant or breast-feeding women, children under the age of six years (phenols), persons allergic to one of the components (eugenol), subjects with asthma without the advice of an allergologist before the first use, subjects with epilepsy.
Cloves were used by the Chinese well before our times for culinary and medicinal purposes. The "spice route" leading to the "Land of Serica" (China) introduced it to the Romans who used to make edible meat that was often gamy. Plinys criticised cloves and peppers "that they only appealed via their bitterness". The Greek doctor Askesios did not agree: "Clove oil has a nice smell that helps digestion considerably." The clove tree was introduced in Europe by the Arabs, however it was the Portuguese who discovered the Moluccas in 1424 who had the monopoly. The administrator of the Ile de France, now Mauritius, acquired some plants and the acclimatised them first on his island and then in the Antilles. The use of clove was often considered a manifestation of insolent luxury: Dante criticised the Sienese in his Inferno "the expensive habit of seasoning with cloves". All throughout the world cloves are chewed to improve the breath and prevent dental infections.
The properties, benefits and method of use are given for information; they cannot in any case constitute or replace medical information that only health professionals can provide. For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, please consult your GP or pharmacist.