Do not use in: in pregnant or breast-feeding women, in children under the age of 7 years, in persons suffering from asthma or chronic respiratory ailments (risk of interactions with drugs, lessening their effects)
apply by massaging onto the back and chest, once or twice per day, a mixture of 2 drops of essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus + 2 drops of essential oil of ravintsara diluted in 2 teaspoons of carrier oil.
Productive cough
drink a thyme herbal tea and add 1 drop of essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus in one teaspoon of thyme or rosemary honey.
Recognized bactericidal agent
10 drops of essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus mixed with liquid soap or shower gel will cleanse backs with a propensity towards acne or unsightly spots. + Always ask your pharmacist for advice
apply by massaging onto the back and chest, once or twice per day, a mixture of 2 drops of essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus + 2 drops of essential oil of ravintsara diluted in 2 teaspoons of carrier oil.
Productive cough
drink a thyme herbal tea and add 1 drop of essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus in one teaspoon of thyme or rosemary honey.
Recognized bactericidal agent
10 drops of essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus mixed with liquid soap or shower gel will cleanse backs with a propensity towards acne or unsightly spots. + Always ask your pharmacist for advice
Monoterpene oxides (1,8-cineol or eucalyptol), monoterpene and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, monoterpene and sesquiterpene alcohols.
Leaves and branches.
700 g to 3 kg of essential oil from 100 kg of plants.
1 ml -> 33 drops
(dose calculated for a dropper calibrated according to the European Pharmacopoeia).
(dose calculated for a dropper calibrated according to the European Pharmacopoeia).
The essential oil is both expectorant, mucolytic and antiseptic, it is recommended in cases of bronchopulmonary infections as it promotes bronchodilation. The European Commission has approved its use in case of respiratory tract inflammation. It is also recommended in cases of cold, flu or sinusitis and is effective against urinary tract infections and candidiasis.
Extracts from the book 'Aromatherapia - All about essential oils', by Isabelle Pacchioni, watercolors by Patrick MORIN, Aroma Thera Editions . Extracts from the book '41 essential oils essential for treating yourself differently' and '48 essential oils which every home needs to be healthy' by Isabelle Delaleu and Isabelle Pacchioni, Publications of the Mandadori France group. Botanical illustrations by Agathe Haevermans.
The properties, benefits and method of use are given for information; they cannot in any case constitute or replace medical information that only health professionals can provide. For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, please consult your GP or pharmacist.
The properties, benefits and method of use are given for information; they cannot in any case constitute or replace medical information that only health professionals can provide. For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, please consult your GP or pharmacist.