Main properties
Find all the virtues and uses of essential oils in our tips section.
• Apply three times daily 5 drops of essential oil of tarragon mixed with 5 drops of vegetable oil on the chest, solar plexus and spinal column.
• Breathe 4 drops of essential oil of tarragon on a handkerchief.
Take three times daily and for a maximum duration of six days, 1 drop of essence of lemon and 1 drop of essential oil of tarragon on a neutral tablet, in a spoonful of olive oil, honey or on a sugar lump. (Not suitable for children under the age of twelve years.)
1 drop of pure essential oil of tarragon under the tongue to be repeated five minutes later, if necessary, and the spasms disappear. Consult your doctor if the hiccough is abnormally persistent.
Hay fever
Apply 5 drops of essential oil of tarragon mixed with 5 drops of vegetable oil on the sides of the nostrils and the temples.
Precautions for use
Do not use in: pregnant or breast-feeding women, children under the age of six years, persons allergic to one of the components (limonene), subjects with asthma without the advice of an allergologist before the first use, persons whose professional activity requires vigilance.
Both the Latin and common names of tarragon derive from its real or supposed virtues. In the Middle Ages it was believed that its root looked like a dragon (drakonion in Greek), and it was thought to be effective against snake bites, and was called tarragon, dragonne, herbe à dragon or serpentine. It is Artemisia because like the goddess Artemis, protector of women, it cures gynaecological ailments. The plant was introduced in Europe by the Moors of Andalusia with the name of tharkoum, and was described for the first time by the great Arabic botanist of the 13th century Ibn el-Beithar in his Collection of simple. He considered as a precious digestion auxiliary. Tarragon occupies the seventh position in the French aromatic plant production. It is used as a condiment in many preparations (flavoured vinegar, mustard, sauce Bearnaise, etc.).
The properties, benefits and method of use are given for information; they cannot in any case constitute or replace medical information that only health professionals can provide. For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, please consult your GP or pharmacist.