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  • Free Delivery from France on orders over £45 | Sign up for 15% OFF your 1st order
  • Free Delivery from France on orders over £45 | Sign up for 15% OFF your 1st order
  • Free Delivery from France on orders over £45 | Sign up for 15% OFF your 1st order

Our Bite & Sting Baby Repellent Roll-on  was specially designed for babies from 6 months to offer effective protection against mosquitoes. Milky emulsion made from 5 organic essential oils and a powerful plant origin active ingredient derived from essential oil of lemon eucalyptus.

  • Effective up to 7h¹ in infested areas: tiger mosquitoes, ticks and other biting insects.
  • Perfect on exposed areas (face, neck, ankles, etc.). Can be used in any situation. Suitable for sensitive skin, hydrates for up to six hours².
  • Tested under pediatric & dermatological control - 0% nNeurotoxic insect repellent - preservative-free.
  • Suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
¹Laboratory-tested effectiveness: up to 7 hrs on Culex pipiens, Aedes albopictus, and Aedes aegypti, up to 6.30 hrs on Anopheles gambiae, up to 6 hrs on sandflies, and up to 5 hrs on ticks.

²Instrumental test -10 subjects - 6h.

How to use

Shake well before use. 

Baby: Apply to body, avoiding the face and parts that could come into contact with the baby’s mouth (hands and feet). From 6 months: 1 application per day max. Over 1 year of age: 2 applications per day max.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women: Apply directly on exposed parts of the body (face, arms, hands, feet), 2 applications per day max. Spread evenly with hands as needed. Wash hands thoroughly after applying. Swimming and perspiration can reduce the duration of protection

Essential oils

Organic Lavandin, Organic Tea Tree, Organic Niaouli, Organic Java Citronella, Organic Peppermint


Not to be used by children under 6 months or by those with a history of convulsive or epileptic disorders. Avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use on damaged skin.

Bite & Sting

Bite & Sting Baby Repellent Roll-On

with organic essential oils
Puressentiel Bite & Sting Repellent Roll-on Baby was specially designed for babies from 6 months to offer effective protection against mosquitoes.
  • 30 ml
- 1 +
  • Free delivery on orders above £45Free delivery on orders above £45
  • Cruelty Free
  • Vegan
  • 99-9

Our Bite & Sting Baby Repellent Roll-on  was specially designed for babies from 6 months to offer effective protection against mosquitoes. Milky emulsion made from 5 organic essential oils and a powerful plant origin active ingredient derived from essential oil of lemon eucalyptus.

  • Effective up to 7h¹ in infested areas: tiger mosquitoes, ticks and other biting insects.
  • Perfect on exposed areas (face, neck, ankles, etc.). Can be used in any situation. Suitable for sensitive skin, hydrates for up to six hours².
  • Tested under pediatric & dermatological control - 0% nNeurotoxic insect repellent - preservative-free.
  • Suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
¹Laboratory-tested effectiveness: up to 7 hrs on Culex pipiens, Aedes albopictus, and Aedes aegypti, up to 6.30 hrs on Anopheles gambiae, up to 6 hrs on sandflies, and up to 5 hrs on ticks.

²Instrumental test -10 subjects - 6h.

How to use

Shake well before use. 

Baby: Apply to body, avoiding the face and parts that could come into contact with the baby’s mouth (hands and feet). From 6 months: 1 application per day max. Over 1 year of age: 2 applications per day max.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women: Apply directly on exposed parts of the body (face, arms, hands, feet), 2 applications per day max. Spread evenly with hands as needed. Wash hands thoroughly after applying. Swimming and perspiration can reduce the duration of protection

Essential oils

Organic Lavandin, Organic Tea Tree, Organic Niaouli, Organic Java Citronella, Organic Peppermint


Not to be used by children under 6 months or by those with a history of convulsive or epileptic disorders. Avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use on damaged skin.

Ingredients focus
  • Tea tree
    melaleuca alternifolia
  • Java Citronella
    cymbopogon winterianus
  • Peppermint
    mentha x piperita
  • Lavandin
    lavandula x super
  • Niaouli
    melaleuca viridiflora
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