How can you improve blood circulation naturally?
Heavy legs, venous insufficiency, varicose veins... Discover recipes with essential oils to improve blood circulation disorders. Cold feet, tingling in the legs, coldness, swollen limbs... poor blood circulation has a long list of symptoms. Aromatic massages are one of the best ways to boost circulation.
The mechanical action of the hand "helps" the natural circulatory movement, while the active principles of the essential oils thin the blood, strengthen and soften the blood vessels, and erase the unsightly micro-vessels on the skin’s surface. Generally, the most appreciated massages in this case are those of the feet, hands and legs.
As well as lymphatic drainage, which is best done by a physiotherapist for a perfect technique. But facial massages are also very useful for the beauty of the skin and to fight against small unsightly "accidents" such as couperose. As long as you do it almost every single day!

5 drops of laurel EO, 5 drops of lavender spike EO, 10 drops of palmarosa EO, 20 ml of hazelnut oil. Apply a few drops on the affected areas, always starting from the extremities towards the heart, once a day during ten days.
Venous circulation defines the "return" blood flow from peripheral tissues to the heart. It is a low pressure circulation (second digit of the blood pressure measured on the arm by the doctor). Venous circulatory disorders affect both men and women and most often affect the lower limbs. With the abnormal dilation of the vessels, the stagnation of blood causes unsightly blue veins and varicose veins, as well as pain and the impression of "heavy legs". Essential oils, with their precious decongestant properties, tone the skin, fight capillary fragility and stimulate microcirculation. Their excellent skin penetration provides a rapid and lasting relief. Five of them are particularly recommended for their tonic, draining-lymphatic, anti-inflammatory and disinfiltrating effects: cypress, juniper, helichrysum, mastic tree and vetiver. Others - such as lemon, peppermint and rosemary - act efficiently on heavy legs.
Varicose veins are a twisted venous dilatation causing heavy legs, swollen legs and feet, itching. 35 drops of pistacia lentiscus EO or cypress EO or sandalwood EO, 10 ml of calophyllum vegetable oil. Gently massage the mixture into the skin in the direction of the venous return (from the ankles to the knees).

2 drops of Helichrysum EO, 20 drops of St. John's wort or wheat germ EO. Mix the essential oil with vegetable oil and massage the affected areas regularly. Please note that the recipes are proposed in addition to a medical treatment and do not in any way replace the informed advice of a health specialist.
Extracts from "Aromatherapia" by Isabelle Pacchioni, published by Aroma Thera, and from the book "Automassages aux huiles essentielles, guide visuel" by Isabelle Pacchioni, published by Leduc.s
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